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Forum Index » Counting Related Questions [XML]
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Counting ILF and EI for a dynamic form entry page? 3 DmytroL 146511 23/01/2018 06:30:57
poina [Latest Reply]
Automatic CFP counting 1 zhao0309 98077 23/01/2018 06:30:57
poina [Latest Reply]
ILF count for migration project with database reuse 2 mahen_kulkarni 101134 02/11/2017 11:27:59
davidrajdue [Latest Reply]
How can I start the FPA in my company ? 4 sergav 105941 10/08/2017 07:37:54
sreejamudhiraj [Latest Reply]
FPA in Agile/ SCRUM methodology 1 moeztuerk 100072 05/08/2017 08:04:51
venkydarling [Latest Reply]
backfired function points from source code 1 moeztuerk 104478 03/08/2017 11:48:00
harishsommy [Latest Reply]
Rounding ? 5 Jan VOCHTEN 104823 01/08/2017 22:04:28
Steve Neuendorf [Latest Reply]
Use Case Points To Function Points 4 moeztuerk 139969 31/07/2017 11:09:02
vijayanna [Latest Reply]
How to count the table maintained manually 15 moeztuerk 118697 25/07/2017 07:12:25
tejasaisri [Latest Reply]
Counting DETs for multiple attributes table 3 mpalmier 101604 01/05/2015 23:27:04
mpalmier [Latest Reply]
[Clip] Counting Reports in Multi Media 1 pmont 99732 31/03/2015 01:15:17
Ryan Schofield [Latest Reply]
instance dependency 5 Admin 109370 13/07/2012 09:17:47
moeztuerk [Latest Reply]
Determining of Application Boundaries 2 moeztuerk 104164 05/07/2012 10:00:31
moeztuerk [Latest Reply]
Visible Button 2 Ryan Schofield 105010 29/05/2012 22:30:52
Admin [Latest Reply]
Adding "Communication Layer" to Application 4 Ryan Schofield 103635 12/05/2012 17:49:25
RoyceEdwards [Latest Reply]
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