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Problem with estimation in FPM  XML
Forum Index » Function Point Modeler Enterprise Edition
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Joined: 13/11/2013 10:07:05
Messages: 1

Dear Sirs,

we are studying the possibility of including FPM tool in teaching a course on software metrics in our university.
We are very pleased with its capabilities, but we have a little problem and I would like your support.

As you can see in the attached images, we develop a count project, with an application and a subsystem to obtect adjusted FP.
Then we open the project data editor to create a plandata (following the tool's help), a count and a project estimation.

When we change to Cocomo tab and we mark the subsystem in the Count tab..., we don't see any change in the effort values on the overview window.

What are we doing wrong?

Thanks in advance.
 Filename snapshot3.tiff [Disk] Download
 Description But the estimation shows 0
 Filesize 253 Kbytes
 Downloaded:  50940 time(s)

 Filename snapshot2.tiff [Disk] Download
 Description Creating a PlanData
 Filesize 212 Kbytes
 Downloaded:  51243 time(s)

 Filename snapshot1.tiff [Disk] Download
 Description Counting an Application with a subsystem
 Filesize 268 Kbytes
 Downloaded:  51430 time(s)


Joined: 02/02/2012 13:26:06
Messages: 42

Please export the project as following:

Select the project in the Project Navigator and click right muse and Export > General > Archive File and send the file to support@functionpointmodeler.com


Joined: 02/02/2012 13:26:06
Messages: 42

Dr. Mr. MVilla,

please delete the Project Plandata and create a new Project Plandata. If you create a Sub System, please select at first the Language.
After you have selected the Language, you can create an estimation.

Have a nice weekend
Forum Index » Function Point Modeler Enterprise Edition
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